And this post isn't about design at all - but it IS about work.
Honor the following 7 timeless & Biblical principles and you will find success - no matter what your position.

1. Whatever your hand finds to do, DO WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT
2. HONOR all authorities over you with respect & never talk behind their back
3. Show up earlier & leave later than expected.
4. Resist PRIDE & Remain Teachable
5. INTEGRITY! Let your word be your bond, even at your own cost if & when required
6. NEVER STEAL! Including time... wait for lunch hour & breaks to answer all texts, facebook, and return your personal phone calls.
7. Keep a GREAT ATTITUDE while at work. Start your day THANKFUL TO GOD for providing you with a job in the 1st place, before you ever leave your front door.
--Just some "food for thought".